Discussions - Mysterious and Unknown Escobarias
Unknown names, catalogue names, nomen nudum, nomen prov. etc.
Unknown names, catalogue names, nomen nudum, nomen prov., not described taxa:
If you recognize any taxon or if you know further information about the names listed below, please, send me an e-mail to the following address escobaria@atlas.cz .
A plant bought as Coryphantha acunensis I bought recently this plant as Coryphantha acunensis, but it is, I believe, an Escobaria. If you can help, I would be very grateful.
Photo and collection - Chris Davies (UK)
Notes:Chris Davies (19.07.2006) - e-mail: woodedge1@btinternet.com
I'm trying to identify a plant I bought recently as Coryphantha acunensis, but it is, I believe, an Escobaria. If you can help, I would be very grateful.
The picture of "Coryphantha acunensis" and a closer view of the areoles and spines.
Jan Mynář (20.07.2006) - e-mail: escobaria@atlas.cz
I think it is a plant from Esc. vivipara - complex, concretely the plant Esc. vivipara v. radiosa. To compare see enclosed 3 photos of similar plants.
Accurate determination is possible only by comparing of flowers, fruits and seeds.Jaroslav Šnicer (23.07.2006) - e-mail: cult.tricka@seznam.cz
It is difficult say. I just had a glimpse. Maybe it is Esc. vivipara v. bisbeana ?Jiří Štembera (24.07.2006) - e-mail: jiri.stembera@cactus.cz
Hans Havel (27.07.2006) - e-mail: hahavel@aon.at
The name refers to the origin in the Acuna Valley in Organ Pipe National Park, among other things a habitat of Echinomastus acunensis plant. This valley is located approx. 460 m a.s.l. and the surrounding mountains do not exceed heights of 800 m. It is an ingenuous height for Echinomastus plants.
Nevertheless, is it also a habitat of the Esc. vivipara taxon?
In the literature the nearest habitats listed are the following:
L 615 - Esc. vivipara v. arizonica, Nacosari, Sonora, Mexico, 1000-1300 m,
it is possible that this is a valid description of Esc. vivipara v. bisbeeana fma. sonoriensis P.C.Fischer, (Cactus & Succulent Journal, US, Vol. 52, 1980), listed 84 km north of Nacosari, on the road to the US border in an altitude of 1430 m.
L 1136 - Esc. vivipara v. arizonica, Agua Prieta-Janos, Sonora, Mexico, in an altitude of 1000 m
The distance from Agua Prieta to Janos is approximatly 110 miles - there might not be any precise information? - , but the mountains reaching heights up to 2800 m represent a serious barrier.
R 1557b (Reppenhagen) - Esc. vivipara v. texensis, La Ascension, Chih., Mexico, 1650 m
I made photographs of Esc. vivipara v. bisbeeana on 5 places, in altitude between 1100 and 1600 m but in the region of Vail-Sonoita-Bisbee-Dos Cabezas.
All the mentioned sites are more than 100 km distant from the Acuna Valley so I asked people who repeatedly visited the region but none of them saw the Esc. vivipara in Organ Pipe.
Apparently the respective plant is Esc. vivipara but its identification based only on a picture of one young plant is impossible and also the name could be just a phantasy of a tradesman.
Contributions to individual taxa send please to the following e-mail address escobaria@atlas.cz .
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Last modified January 16, 2007
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