Popis rodu
Původní popis z roku 1998
Acharagma (Taylor) Ch. Glass, Guía Identific. Cact. Amenazadas México, 1: Ac/ag, 1998, pub. 1997
Escobaria sect. Acharagma Taylor sect. nov., Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten, 34: 185, 1983
Diagnóza: a sect. Escobaria sulco tuberculari nullo, perianthii segmentis eciliatis distincta.
Typ: Echinocactus roseanus Boedeker
Synonymum: Escobaria subg. Primibaria V. John et Říha v Kaktusech 17: 41 (1981)
Tyto dva druhy (Esc. roseana a Esc. aguirreana) se liší od ostatních drůhů rodu Escobaria chybějící brázdou na bradavce u květuschopných rostlin. Zdá se, že se jedná o silně neotenické taxony, které dosahují květuschopnosti, dříve než ukončí dospívání; absence brázdy na bradavce je charakteristická pro nedospělé stadium (semenáčky) u ostatních druhů rodu.
Ostatní popisy rodu
Acharagma (Taylor) Ch. Glass
E. F. Anderson, The Cactus Family, p. 108, Timber Press Portland, Oregon, 2001
Subfamily Cactoideae, tribe Cacteae. Plants usually solitary but sometimes forming small
clusters. Stems globose to short cylindrical, without nectar-secreting glands, 3-7 cm (1.2-2.8 in) in diameter.
Ribs present, more or less forming tubercles. Areoles borne on the rib tips, without grooves. Spines present,
usually dense. Flowers borne at the stem tips, cream colored to pink to reddish yellow to yellow, 1.5-2 cm
(0.6-0.8 in) long and in diameter; floral tubes short; perianth parts not ciliate. Fruits club shaped, green
to purplish bronze, 10-20 mm (0.4-0.8 in) long. Seeds brown to black, pitted.
Basionym: Escobaria sect. Acharagma N. P. Taylor, 1983.
Distribution: Mexico (Coahuila and Nuevo León)
Typová rostlina: |
Acharagma roseana   (Boed) Anderson
(syn: Echinocactus roseanus   Boedeker) |
Acharagma (Taylor) Ch. Glass
D.R.Hunt, N.P.Taylor, G.Charles, The New Cactus Lexicon, p. 26, DH Books, 2006
Habit small, simple or clustering, globose to short-cylindric, tuberculate; tubercles pyramidal-conic, groove absent
or short; areoles apical, not bipartite, eglandular; spines numerous, subsimilar; flowers apical on nascent tubercles,
small, funnelform; outer tepals eciliate; stigma pale yellow; fruit berry-like, naked, indehiscent; perianth remnant
persistent; seeds brown or black-brown; testa Mammillaria-type, deeply pitted (par-concave).
Formerly included in Escobaria, but gene sequence studies suggest it belongs in a well-supported clade
with Lophophora and Obregonia (Butterworth et Wallace /1999/: Phylogenetic studies of the tribe
Cacteae, Cactaceae Consensus Initiatives, 8: 8)
Basionym: Escobaria sect. Acharagma Taylor, 1983.
Etymology: From Greek, a, without, charagma [gender: ,n.], groove.
Distribution: Mexico (Coahuila and adjacent Nuevo León)
Typová rostlina: |
Acharagma roseanum   (Boed) Anderson
(syn: Echinocactus roseanus   Boedeker) |
© 2002-2008 Jan Mynar
Last modified June 8, 2008
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