Discussions - Cultivation
Lime addition in the substratum of the Escobaria plants
Contributions to this topic send please to the following e-mail address escobaria@atlas.cz .
July 20, 2009
Peter Probst - e-mail: probst-berlin@t-online.de
Could anyone of you tell me, based on his/her experience, if it is absolutely necessary to add lime into the substratum when planting the Escobaria plants. Thank you very much in advance for your information.
Translation by Jana Mynarova
July 25, 2009
Jan Mynar - e-mail: escobaria@atlas.cz
I am planting the Escobaria plants as hydroponics in a mineral substratum. Growing the plants in this manner the lime addition is not employed.
July 26, 2009
Peter Probst - e-mail: probst-berlin@t-online.de
In the publication of Urs Eggli I have found the following remark - 100 g of gypsum to 10 litres of substrate in case of heavily spiny species, and 10 percent of torf or garden soil in case of "green" species of the genus (page 117).
Literaura: Fröhlich, A. (1983): Die Kultur der Escobarien, in: Eggli, U. (ed.), Die Gattung Escobaria. Eine Zusammenstellung wichtiger Arbeiten in deutscher Übersetzung, Erlenbach, 117. (not. Jan Mynar)
Translation by Jana Mynarova
August 29, 2009
Catherine Jennings - e-mail: cmjrdj@yahoo.com
I have Escobaria alversonii and minima. Escobaria alversonii grows in granite sand, and I grow mine in said sand with a minimum of standard cactus mix. Escobaria minima grows not in limestone, but in a type of quartzite called Caballos Novaculite. So, at least with these two species, lime is not necessary. It turns out that I can grow E. minima in a half and half mixture of standard cactus mix and agricultural pumice. Also, E. minima is sensitive to excess moisture, but because it's small, it needs fairly frequent watering. That's why the mix is so heavy on the pumice. It helps the soil drain and dry quickly. Keeping it in a pot commensurate with its size helps, too.
Contributions to this topic send please to the following e-mail address escobaria@atlas.cz .
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Last modified August 31, 2009
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