
Escobaria (subg. Acharagma) aguirreana subsp. kalasii nomen provisorum - a new discovery from Nuevo León

Jaroslav Snicer; Zlatko Janeba; Richard Kalas (CZ/USA)


Contributions to this topic send please to the following e-mail address escobaria@atlas.cz .

Jaroslav Snicer
Chris Davies
Stefan Nitzschke
Jan Mynar - e-mail: escobaria@atlas.cz

After a detailed study of the photos by Chris Davies, we came to the conclusion that it is not a plant of the genus Acharagma (including the presence of a groove).

Most likely, these are seedlings of Coryphantha nickelsae.

A photo of a group of Coryphantha nickelsae including seedlings at the same location - photo of Chris Davies.

Translation by   Google Translator;  

December 5, 2012
Chris Davies - e-mail: cactus.woodedge@btinternet.com ; www: www.woodedge.co.uk

Regarding Acharagma aguirreanus in Huasteca Canon:

In April 2012, I found what I believe to be Acharagma aguirreanus just to the north west of Nogales, Santa Catarina, NL. This is a small town just off the Huasteca Canon, and in the same municipality as the newly named Acharagma huasteca. It grew amongst populations of Mammillaria plumosa, Mammillaria melanocentra, Coryphantha nickelsae and Thelocactus bicolor, on sloping ground with many limestone rocks.

Now I see that a new subspecies (ssp. kalasii) has been proposed for a different form from the same general area, a little south of the Canon.

I think there needs to be a clear basis for the creation of new subspecies. We all know that plants vary from one location to another. How distinct do different populations need to be to be able to name them with confidence?

If we named subspecies for every different form that we found, then chaos would reign. I believe that subspecies should only be named if there is a high degree of separation between populations of the species and the new form, so that one can be confident that the new population has evolved to a significant degree.

What should the plants that I found be called? I would suggest just Acharagma aguirreanus, because they did not appear to grow in a more cylindrical form.



December 4, 2012
Jan Mynar - e-mail: escobaria@atlas.cz

A few weeks ago I received from Stefan Nitschke (Turbinicarpus.net) some photos of the Acharahma huasteca taxon, inclusive comparison with Acharagma aguirreanum.

A seedling Acharagma huasteca, the collection and the photo by Stefan Nitschke.


The comparison of seedlings,
Acharagma huasteca (Links) and Acharagma aguirreanum (Rechts),
the collection and the photo by Stefan Nitschke.


January 2, 2012
Jan Mynar - e-mail: escobaria@atlas.cz

This discussed taxon was described Zsolt Elhart in 2011 as Acharagma huasteca on the basis of the plants collected on 10.2.2008 in Municipio of Santa Catarina, Canon de la Huasteca, Nuevo León, Mexico. Holotyp has been saved in the herbarium MEXU (the information incorporated from IPNI). The description was published in the CactusWorld journal. Elhart, Zsolt (2010): A new species of Acharagma (Cactaceae) from Mexico, CactusWorld 29(2): 105-106.

Also see below Discussion Forums:
  Discussion Forum of the CactusWorld - On line (June Journals)
  The Garden Forums
  Magyar Kaktuszgyûjtõk Országos Egyesülete


December 31, 2010
Jan Mynar - e-mail: escobaria@atlas.cz

Note from Literature:

I.N.Cact.cz, 2010-11, 10(112)
Trip to Agave albopilosa
Short Jarda Snicer's stops

Fig. No. 4 - Mountains (Canon de Huasteca) south of a Village is the home of new
Escobaria aquirreana subsp. kalasii n. prov.

Fig. No. 5 - Escobaria aquirreana subsp. kalasii n. prov.

Translation by Jan Mynar  

August 8, 2010
Hans Havel - e-mail: hahavel@aon.at

Der neue Fund der A. aguirreana ist sehr überraschend.

Nun sind drei Verbreitungsgebiete bekannt, die jeweils voneinander ca 130km Luftlinie entfernt liegen, und dies auf einer Achse Südost zu Nordwest. Dazwischen ist gut erforschtes Gebiet und sind aber keine Pflanzenfunde bekannt.

Ich war heuer am Osthang der Sierra San Marcos y Pinos bei Cuatro Cienegas und habe aber nur drei A. aguirreana gefunden weil ich wieder einmal zu spät am Nachmittag mit den Aufstieg auf den Berg begann. Man muß schon ein schönes Stück den Berg hinauf um die Pflanzen zu finden. Weiter oben sollen sie öfter vorkommen. Aber im März waren die Tage auch noch nicht sehr lange.

A. aguirreana east side of Sierra San Marcos y Pinos; ca. 1050m


July 17, 2010
Jaroslav Snicer - e-mail: cult.tricka@seznam.cz

During our expedition to Mexico carried out this year our group - to be concrete Richard Kalas in person - discovered a new subspecies of Escobaria aguirreana taxon, that was provisionally named subsp. kalasii.

Fig. 1 - E. aguirreana subsp. kalasii, south of Canyon de Huasteca, NL

The plants appear on perpendicular cliffs south of Canyon de Huasteca, NL. The plants grow in clusters, individual stems have got a closely cylindrical shape. It is similar to the situation of E. roseana taxon and its subsp. galeanensis. Other characters still have to be studied in detail as well as compared with one another.

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Note: Author of the web-pages (Jan Mynar) supposes that with respect to the description of this taxon, it should be, according to most recent trends, into a separate genus Acharagma as A. aguirreanum subsp. kalasii (at present nomen provisorum).

Translation by Jana Mynarova  

Contributions to this topic send please to the following e-mail address escobaria@atlas.cz .

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